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Lease increases upsetting

Dear Editor: Re: Marina owners shaken by hikes, The Record, March 27.

Dear Editor:

Re: Marina owners shaken by hikes, The Record, March 27.

Kudos for the concise and comprehensive cover story of your most recent edition; it serves to further expose the hidden agenda of the leviathan that has usurped the several Fraser River estuary ports authority that were doing both professional and humane service to the myriad of commercial and private concerns up and down the waterfront for, in the case of my home port, 100 years.

The manifest objective of big business (and Port Metro Vancouver) is to monopolize and squeeze out the small-fry, like the oolichan in the Fraser.

Then they will pave paradise for the multinational hooligans that are bound and determined to occupy this fertile river delta, turning it into tank-towns (to further facilitate the overburdening airborne particulate and pollution from YVR) and coal ports and massive car-parks, expedited by their vehicular importations, further environmental degradation by the petrochemical cartels.

And that's not mentioning the massive and ongoing reappropriation (misappropriation!) of farm lands through the Fraser Delta.

I have fished, log-salvaged, towed and recreated on this mighty river, man-and-boy, for nearly 60 years.

I am both appalled and downright frightened by the rapidity of these revolting developments and they would be cause for revolution in Second and Third World countries.

David Cobb, owner of MFV "Chief Skugaid," Port of New Westminster