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In support of soccer plan

In support of soccer plan Dear Editor: Although I am both a member of the Sapperton Business Association and Royal City Youth Soccer, I am writing this letter as a resident of New Westminster in support of the Whitecaps’ proposal.

In support of soccer plan
Dear Editor:
Although I am both a member of the Sapperton Business Association and Royal City Youth Soccer, I am writing this letter as a resident of New Westminster in support of the Whitecaps’ proposal.   
I feel that the USL PRO team will be a great asset to our community and provide us with the following benefits:
- The ability to mentor the over 1,200 youth players who currently play for Royal City Soccer, along with the hundreds more young people that no longer play for the club as they have had to leave our community to compete at appropriate levels suitable to their needs.
- The opportunity to restore the stadium to a safe working condition. It now makes sense to spend city money on the upgrades rather than letting it rot.
- The opportunity to research historical photos of the stadium and possibly restore it to its once original look and functionality.
- The opportunity to fully utilize the stadium once again as it was originally intended. The stadium’s building and bleachers are currently under used and are not needed.
- The opportunity to support a city “football” team we can call our own. Why shouldn’t the original Royal City not have its own club? This is very fitting, soccer was the first sport officially played in this city (and province) on May 24, 1862.
- The opportunity to bring additional revenue into our city and to its businesses.
I am concerned that the members of minor league baseball are being alarmist by making statements about the proposal and the city’s position that are completely false. I have been advised that city staff have corrected them but they continue to share the misleading information to get public and media traction.
Their Save the Stadium campaign is sending out a false message that the city’s intention is to tear down the historical building and send their players out of the city.
Their petition contains signatures from several non-residents and contains comments that are just misleading.
Although there is some resistance from minor league baseball, I think once you investigate the facts you will see that their intention will only benefit a few members of the community.
The USL proposal has the ability to benefit thousands: – from youth to adults, from businesses to residents.
The Whitecaps’ proposal is good for our city as it will allow us to make the necessary upgrades to the stadium and recover costs through a tenant agreement.
The business community will see the benefits of additional opportunities.
The residents will have a pro team to call their own, a team that will provide technical support and mentorship to our young soccer players in the fastest growing sport in the world.  
I encourage council to find a way to make this proposal work and to enter into a financially responsible agreement. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Guy Ciprian, New Westminster