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Here's a plan: Shut up about traffic, or move

Dear Editor: Re: Wanna come over for dinner?, Letters to the editor, The Record, Jan. 16. Royal Avenue has been a major traffic route since the Royal Engineers first landed.

Dear Editor:

Re: Wanna come over for dinner?, Letters to the editor, The Record, Jan. 16.

Royal Avenue has been a major traffic route since the Royal Engineers first landed. It bothers me that people buy or move into an area without doing their

homework or research and then blame everyone else for traffic congestion, noise or train whistles they have to listen to.

I moved into the area of East Sixth and McBride knowing very well the Glenbrook Fire Hall was across the street and a bus stop 30 feet from my door.

 Is it right I now ask the fire department not to respond to emergency calls after 10 p.m. so I am not disturbed and insist TransLink move a bus stop away from my door? Yeah, sure!

S. Tanner, you should take responsibility for moving in to where you did. That traffic on Royal will not be moved in your or my lifetime regardless of what the city does. You either live with it and stop complaining or move.

Ted Usher, New Westminster