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Hearing aid restored thanks to the kindness of strangers

Dear Editor On May 21, 2015, I was hiking with the (Golden Age Hiking Club) GAHC on the Crumpet Hills Trail. It was a gorgeous sunny day. We had hiked several kilometres up the trail, and I removed my hat as we re-entered a shady patch in the forest.

Dear Editor On May 21, 2015, I was hiking with the (Golden Age Hiking Club) GAHC on the Crumpet Hills Trail. 

It was a gorgeous sunny day. We had hiked several kilometres up the trail, and I removed my hat as we re-entered a shady patch in the forest. I inadvertently dislodged my hearing aid and thought I had secured it properly again.

Sometime later, at our lunch spot, I realized I had lost my hearing aid. Retracing our steps, I searched the trail to no avail.

Frustrated at losing my hearing aid for the second time (first in a cycling mishap in Vietnam last year), I had not yet ordered a new hearing aid, which is expensive. 

Imagine my surprise and delight to receive a phone call on July 3 from Connect Hearing, my hearing aid supplier in New Westminster, saying that they had my hearing aid at their office. 

It appears that an unknown hiker or cyclist had found the hearing aid and dropped it off at Mainland Hearing in Squamish. 

Jocelyn at Mainland Hearing cleaned and checked my hearing aid and then contacted the manufacturer to find out who the hearing aid was sold to.   

As we recently moved to New Westminster, Connect Hearing had trouble tracking me down for several weeks.

So a big thank you to the unknown person who found my hearing aid in unbelievable circumstances and to Jocelyn at Mainland Hearing for going the “extra mile” to reunite me with my device and also to Connect Hearing for tracking me down.

I am grateful to all of you.

Jeff Roger, New Westminster