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Get real about naming

Dear Editor: Re: What's in a name, The Record, Oct. 10. This naming a school nonsense has again caused bickering among some people wanting to name new schools after a Chinese person who voted after being 88 years old in 1949. Stop this race issue.

Dear Editor:

Re: What's in a name, The Record, Oct. 10.

This naming a school nonsense has again caused bickering among some people wanting to name new schools after a Chinese person who voted after being 88 years old in 1949.

Stop this race issue. I'm sure lots of Canadian natives didn't have the same privilege. Maybe name the schools after a native Indian? Doesn't this feel more realistic?

And this Janzen who stated: "All these dead white guys, they all have baggage."

Who does he think he is? I'm a white man and proud of it, and for this kind of statement coming from your paper is racist.

Indeed the white male is under attack by not only minorities, but by "white" people, by Janzen. He is nothing.

Stewart Thompson, New Westminster