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Front Street has a future

Dear Editor: Many people think I’m crazy for deciding to remain on Front Street after the devastating fire that destroyed half the block in October 2013.

Dear Editor:
Many people think I’m crazy for deciding to remain on Front Street after the devastating fire that destroyed half the block in October 2013.  
My little boutique, Localo Living, is now one of only two vintage stores that survived that devastating fire.
Front Street was once known as Antique Alley, and a great destination place for shopping for antiques or that hard-to-find collectible. Now Front Street is barely a blimp on people’s radar, but I think it is the best place for my boutique.
Why do I believe in this almost forgotten area, while so many others think my decision to stay means doomsday for the boutique?
Well call it intuition, call it a sixth sense, but I believe in the revitalization of Front Street; so much so in fact that I have decided to expand my boutique and add an espresso bar to it.
I see the change coming to this area mostly by all the customers that come into the boutique saying they are new residents to New West.
Many young people and young families are moving in from funky neighbourhoods of Kitsilano, Yaletown and the West End of Vancouver.
What brings them here is New Westminster’s charm, affordability and strategic location in the Lower Mainland.
I believe instead that Front Street will be a major player in downtown New Westminister’s revitalization, and having my vintage home boutique and first espresso bar, I am set to meet the growing demand for new products and services.
So you can see that Front Street is definitely not dying but is only just opening its eyes and taking its first breath.
Ana Matovinovic, New Westminster