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Exploring the spirit of the holiday season

This year, I participated in a new Christmas donation drive at my high school.

This year, I participated in a new Christmas donation drive at my high school.

A small Christmas tree was set up with paper ornaments on it and was wheeled around to all of the classrooms, and written on each ornament was a Christmas wish from someone in need.

Everyone was encouraged to pick an ornament/wish that they could try and fulfill. My classmates and I walked around the tree taking time to read each paper wish.

I picked a wish that touched my heart the most, it read: "I am a seven-year-old girl, and I wish for a pink and purple winter jacket."

I remember when I was seven, oblivious to the world outside my fantasy land of Barbie's, dress-up and princesses. My favourite colours were probably pink and purple, too.

After choosing my ornament/ wish, I tucked it away into my wallet for the rest of the day. But the thoughts around that little piece of paper stayed with me.

I couldn't stop wondering about the little girl whose wish I had chosen.

Did she go to school? Have siblings? Did she need any other clothes? I suddenly had the urge to buy an entire new wardrobe for her.

Picking the right jacket proved to be difficult. There were a lot more options to choose from than I thought, and jackets have gotten considerably more stylish from when I was seven.

In the end, I narrowed it down to two jacket choices, one was down-filled and bright pink with a sparkly collar, the other a more practical dark purple and pink wind-proof with a built-in fleece.

As girls we all know that often practical takes a backseat to stylish, but is seven years old too young to start shopping by this motto?

This inner discussion left me standing in the store for quite some time, and I could feel the employee's curious eyes on me, almost hearing their thoughts. Yes, I may be short, but I am not picking this jacket out for myself, thank you very much.

Subconsciously I had formed a bond with this girl I knew almost nothing about. I cared so much about whether she would like the jacket.

I wanted it to make her feel confident and pretty, yet she also needed to be warm enough to play outside. Eventually I realized the right decision for a child was the more practical dark purple wind-proof jacket. Satisfied finally, I bought it.

The next day at school I turned in my gift to the collection room, where it was added to a pile and my name checked off a list.

With my job done and the jacket no longer in my possession, I felt as though I had lost something.

Over those past couple days, I felt a sense of purpose in completing a task for someone else.

I realize now that it was the feeling of giving.

It seems as though we have slowly lost the true holiday spirit over the years.

I can honestly say that I have become so consumed by consuming that I forgot what it is to give to others.

The holidays are meant to be a time for giving, and spending time with family. I'm thankful that all it took was a simple wish on an ornament for me to remember that. I hope this coat will warm her as it did me.

Megan Bobetsis is a Grade 12 student at New Westminster Secondary School. She is also interning at the Royal City Record as a part of a work-experience program.