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Sixth Street belongs to this Santa

Walking in uptown New Westminster the jingle-jangle of Christmas bells can be heard throughout the neighbourhood during the holiday season.
Dan Huntington New West Santa
In the spirit: Dan Huntington first donned his Santa Claus suit three years ago. As a kettle volunteer for the Salvation Army, Huntington says he looks forward to the holiday season each year, when he can hit the streets and spread joy to those young and old.

Walking in uptown New Westminster the jingle-jangle of Christmas bells can be heard throughout the neighbourhood during the holiday season.

It's the anthem of all Salvation Army volunteers who spend some of the coldest days of the year outside shops and eateries shaking their bells for donations - and in the Royal City there's one volunteer whose dedication goes above and beyond.

His name is Dan Huntington, and he's been volunteering for the Salvation Army's kettle campaign for four years.

What sets him apart from the other volunteers is his obvious love of the annual job.

Huntington is hard to miss. Dressed in a full Santa Claus suit and sporting an authentic white beard he says he's been growing to perfection for a couple of years.

He smiles and waves at shoppers bustling about uptown and even belts out the occasional "Ho, ho, ho," much to the delight of passersby.

Huntington first volunteered for the Salvation Army four years ago at the behest of a friend. When he applied, some of the other volunteers suggested he get a Santa suit because it was known to bring in more donations - but that's not why he put the suit on.

"I didn't care about the money, I just liked the fact that I could wear the Santa suit," he laughed.

This year, Huntington's landlord and a neighbour chipped in to help him buy a deluxe Santa suit made of heavy red velvet and adorned with gold buttons and a black belt. 

"I've been trying to get a better outfit each year to make it more authentic," Huntington said.

The new suit he is sporting certainly takes the fruitcake, in fact it's perfect, he added - and his fans couldn't agree more.

Huntington could barely pull himself away from his Santa duties long enough to chat with The Record. People young and old were requesting photos with the jolly man, and he clearly loves the attention.

"Any other day of the year people can walk by me and never notice me. As soon as I put on this suit I am everybody's friend," he said.

And who wouldn't want to befriend Old Saint Nick? Especially when he's carrying a bag full of toys.

In his second year as a volunteer, Huntington began handing out toys to the children who pass by his kettle. He buys the toys from the local Salvation Army shop at about $10 a bag, which is about half the size of his Santa Claus satchel. Huntington pays for the bags of toys out of his own pocket and refuses any donations. He does, however, encourage people to donate to the Salvation Army.

Volunteering each year is his way of giving back. It's rewarding, uplifting and leaves Huntington with sore cheeks from all the smiling and laughing he partakes in, he said.

"It's the children. It's the giving, it's the smiles - it's the reaction I get from people."