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Rediscover the Indonesian art of batiking

Library to host hands-on batik-making workshop and learning session this month

Some readers may remember the 1970s when the art of batiking was all the rage.

Batiked t-shirts, afghans, muumuus and wall hangings were proudly worn and displayed, and many of the Western artists who adopted this traditional Indonesian craft went on to adapt the art form, materials and dyes to produce their own signature styles.

This January, the New Westminster Public Library will be celebrating the art of batik in a number of ways and this is an opportunity for those who are not acquainted with it to learn about it, and those who miss it to revisit their love for it.

For the month of January, there will be a display of traditional Indonesian batik at the Ramp Gallery, sponsored by the Vancouver Foundation's Neighbourhood Small Grants program.

In addition, on Saturday, Jan. 19, from 1 to 5 p.m., adults can participate in a batik-making workshop.

Learn about the history of the art form and then try your hand at batiking!

Later in the month, the library will host a two-part workshop for youth ages nine to 12.

The workshop runs over two Thursdays - Jan. 24 and Jan. 31 - from 3: 30 to 5 p.m.

Participants must plan to attend both sessions.

Please note that both programs require pre-registration.

Stop by the library at 716 Sixth Ave. or call 604-527-4667.

In the meantime, your family members can conjure up ideas while looking over some of the library books on the craft.

Batik: 21 Beautiful Projects Using Simple Techniques by Diana Light and Practical Batik: A Contemporary Approach to a Traditional Craft by Susie Stokoe - both show how with some plain fabric, dye, wax and everyday materials you can create beautiful cloth to decorate your home or brighten your wardrobe.

Batik for Beginners by Beryl Martin will introduce children to the art.

And Batik: Fabled Cloth of Java by Inger McCabe Elliott gives an historical overview of batik as well as motifs and methods of production.

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