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Reba McEntire has another big hit — a giant, music-loving tomato

“We played a lot of Reba McEntire music to them in the greenhouse and everything just seemed to work. The music, the soft water and the heat..."
Texada tomato

A two and a half pound beefsteak tomato grown by Shirley and Terry Fluney of Gillies Bay, Texada Island, has astounded all who see it. The Fluneys were willing to reveal a few of the growing practices that caused their fruit to thrive.

“What we do is all organic, and we used rainwater so it's all Mother Nature’s rain that feeds them,” said Terry.

However there is one unexpected secret to their prolific vines. “We played a lot of Reba McEntire music to them in the greenhouse and everything just seemed to work. The music, the soft water and the heat,” added Terry.

The tomatoes listened to a lot of Reba over the last few months. “The CD would stop and I’d just push repeat,” said Terry, “so I played that same CD probably for three or four months.”