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Queensborough Walmart reopens to grocery shoppers after dealing with rodent infestation

The store was ordered to close nine grocery aisles after a health inspection June 25 found evidence of a 'severe pest infestation.' A followup inspection July 2 allowed it to reopen
Grocery store empty aisle
All the grocery aisles at the Queensborough Walmart are back in business after a July 2 Fraser Health inspection found the store had successfully dealt with a rodent infestation.

The Queensborough Walmart is back in full operation after a rodent infestation shut down grocery sales for several days.

A Fraser Health inspection on July 2 found the store now has a “low hazard” rating, with no critical or non-critical hazards found.

An initial inspection on June 25 had ordered the store to cordon off the grocery section due to a “severe pest infestation.” The inspection detailed an extensive list of food that had been chewed by rodents and also found rodent droppings in numerous locations both in the food aisles and in the storage section, ending in a “high hazard” rating for the store.

A followup inspection on June 29 found those issues had been dealt with but said the store still needed to take a number of corrective actions before it could reopen. Those actions centred on sealing gaps that could allow rodents into the store. At that time, the store's hazard rating was lowered to "medium."

As of July 2, the closure order was rescinded and the hazard rating reduced to low, with zero problems noted.

The store has pest control on site twice a day, and pest control records must continue to be sent to the district environmental health officer, the inspection report says.

Follow Julie MacLellan on Twitter @juliemaclellan.
Email Julie, [email protected].