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Letter: New West resident believes these two B.C. parties to merge

This letter writer claims B.C. United and B.C. Conservatives should join as one.
bc-legislature (1)
The B.C. Legislature in Victoria. | Flickr/Province of B.C.

The Editor:

This goes out to Kevin Falcon, leader of the B.C. United Party, and and John Rustad, leader of the B.C. Conservative Party.

It has become crystal clear that neither of your parties will defeat the NDP on their own.

So, if you really, truly care about long suffering British Columbians, it is high time you proved it, by setting your differences aside, and merging your two parties in some way, shape or form to defeat the NDP in the fall election.

United you stand, divided you fall, and the province of British Columbia will once again be a socialist state.

Thank you for your consideration of this, gentlemen.

- Gary Tupper, New Westminster