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Letter: Adults should know masks are worn over the nose

Writer urges penalties for those not wearing them
Photo: Face masks / Getty Images


We have become a defiant population when it comes to respecting the rules towards the spread of this deadly virus.

I am referring mostly to wearing masks when entering indoor public places.

It is about time that the politicians stop "sugar coating" every reason/excuse given by us, the people, to why we are not wearing the masks.

In my opinion, if we are entering a public place, where the wearing of a mask is required, and should be required, then we must wear a mask or we should be stopped from entering or pay the consequences. It is that simple.

And by the way, the mask is not a fashion statement, it is meant to be worn over the mouth and nose. So wearing it under our chin is not only useless, but more importantly disrespectful to other people and ourselves.

We are all suffering from this virus, so please, let’s all do our part in trying to shorten the time of this pandemic.

Frank Di Cesare, Burnaby