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Help for job seekers

The New Westminster Public Library has recently acquired five software courses of particular interest to job seekers and English learners. They can be used on computers in the reference department.

The New Westminster Public Library has recently acquired five software courses of particular interest to job seekers and English learners. They can be used on computers in the reference department.

Business Writing covers areas of written business communication. Learn to write successful business letters, emails and reports, as well as how to organize information and ideas. The activities give practice with the key aspects of business documents and correspondence.

It's Your Job takes a structured interactive approach to the process of looking for a job. Starting with how to decide on a career, the course continues with instructions on reading a job advertisement and writing a cover letter and a resume. You'll learn how to prepare for an interview and handle difficult questions. A unit on personality and psychometric tests provides the opportunity to practice verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning.

Study Skills Success focuses on the skills and strategies needed in academic studies. Units include reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, critical thinking, visual materials and research.

Issues in English is tailored for adult learners who want to improve the communication skills they use in daily life. This highly interactive course is based on eight issues which include sports, technology, immigration and media. Four levels of communication allow users to build on their existing knowledge of English.

My Canada provides information and exercises about the history, geography, government and culture of Canada.

Each course is interactive with extensive audio and a variety of activities.

Units link to an integrated website, where you'll find additional tasks, model answers, study sheets, downloadable audio files, and links to relevant websites. Come and try them out.

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