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Freezing mornings and high pollen? It's spring in New Westminster

Don't forget the gloves — and the Kleenex.
The pond at Glenbrook Ravine is showing signs of spring life again in New Westminster — but we still have some freezing weather coming this week.

Winter mornings and spring afternoons — that's how New Westminsterites will usher in in the final week of March.

This morning saw New West temperatures dip just below freezing in the early hours, climbing to a current (8 a.m.) temperature of 0 C.

But the freezing air won't last long; by this afternoon (Monday, March 27), we're expecting a high of 13 C, with sunshine to boot.

You can expect a similar pattern overnight, according to the Weather Network, as we should see temperatures that feel like -1 C overnight tonight, hitting a high of 15 C again by tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday is also expected to see a high of 15 C, with mainly sunny skies.

But temperatures will start to dip later in the week, with a high of 10 C Thursday, 7 C Friday and 8 C by Saturday.

It looks like a relatively dry week ahead, though, as the first precipitation is expected on Friday, with 10 to 15 mm of rain, while Saturday could bring showers totalling 15 to 20 mm.

Spring pollen forecast still 'very high' in New Westminster

The week will bring bad news for allergy sufferers, though — the Weather Network's pollen forecast remains "very high" for New Westminster for the next few days.

The main culprit is alder, with cedar, juniper and related plants also adding high pollen count. Aspen and poplar pollen are at a "moderate" level.

So you may be able to leave the umbrella at home this week, but don't forget the Kleenex.

Follow Julie MacLellan on Twitter @juliemaclellan.
Email Julie, [email protected]