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Fraser Health's rodent recommendations

Here is the list of recommendations from Fraser Health (the district's response to the status of the suggestion is listed in brackets): 1.

Here is the list of recommendations from Fraser Health (the district's response to the status of the suggestion is listed in brackets):

1. Retain the services of a professional pest control company to assess SD40's rodent control problem for adequacy (complete);

2. Provide training for one or more SD40 maintenance staff in pesticide application. (Training is taking place for staff Jan. 16 to 18);

3. Maintain a log/record of all rodent incidents to monitor rodent activity (complete and ongoing);

4. Install door sweeps on the bottom of the doors to the recycling room and adjacent utility room in the Massey wing of NWSS to prevent pest entry (complete);

5. Install wire mesh over the door vents on classroom doorstops to prevent pest entry (wire mesh was received the week of Jan. 7 and will be installed the week of Jan. 14);

6. Seal the gap around the large pipe that passes through the wall in Room 138 to prevent pest entry (complete);

7. Ensure the dumpster lid by the Bubble Gym is kept closed to avoid attracting rodents (complete, to the best of the district's ability).

"We are unable to control transient individuals who open the dumpster during the overnight hours to look for items they feel are of value," secretary-treasurer Brian Sommerfeldt stated in the email.

8. Ensure the rodenticide used is in block formation (not pellets) to avoid relocation of the rodenticide by rodents.

The rodenticide blocks should be adequately secured to prevent relocation by rodents (complete).