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Final storytime for beloved New Westminster librarian

After a long and illustrious career as a librarian, head of the children's department and deputy chief librarian at the New Westminster Public Library, Ellen Heaney, is setting aside her beloved storybooks and puppets and preparing to enter a much-de

After a long and illustrious career as a librarian, head of the children's department and deputy chief librarian at the New Westminster Public Library, Ellen Heaney, is setting aside her beloved storybooks and puppets and preparing to enter a much-deserved retirement.

Through 39 years of dedicated service, Heaney has touched the lives of countless children, families, and colleagues.

Her outstanding storytimes have enthralled young and old alike, and she has relished in introducing her young patrons to the magical world of stories and nurturing their love of reading as they grew older and eventually had children of their own.

Looking back on her career, some of the special picture books that Heaney has enjoyed sharing with children are Five Hundred Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins by Dr. Seuss, Alexander and the Wind-up Mouse by Leo Lionni, Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin.

Her current favourite storybook is William Joyce's magnificently illustrated The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.

For middle-grade readers, some of Heaney's favourites are The Moffats by Eleanor Estes, The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Going Through the Gate by Janet Anderson, and The Secret Life of Owen Skye by Alan Cumyn.

And for teens? True Confessions of a Heartless Girl by Martha Brooks and The Rifle by Gary Paulsen stand out in Heaney's mind as true gems.

All of these titles may be found at the New Westminster Public Library.

Heaney's final storytime (for all ages) will take place on Wednesday, April 17 from 3: 30 to 4: 15 p.m. in the children's department.

This will be followed by an open-house from 4: 30 to 5: 30 p.m.

Please join in on the celebration of Heaney's enormous contributions to the New Westminster community and to the field of children's librarianship.

Though she will be greatly missed by her patrons and colleagues, we wish her all the best for a long and happy retirement.

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