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Feeling the cold, New West? It could be worse. Much, much, much worse.

This one’s for those New West residents who bundled up in their warmest gear and shivered their way to work this morning, bemoaning the fact that the backyard thermometer had dropped to a shocking -8C.
Pexels, penguin
It's colder where he is. Just sayin'.

This one’s for those New West residents who bundled up in their warmest gear and shivered their way to work this morning, bemoaning the fact that the backyard thermometer had dropped to a shocking -8C.

At least you’re not at the Gamèti Airport in the Northwest Territories.

That’s the coldest place in Canada right now, sitting at -43.9 C, according to Environment Canada – compared to our -6 C.

There’s a host of other frosty listings across the country today: Calgary at -25 C, Prince George at -27 C, Saskatoon at -28 C, Winnipeg at -25 C, Whitehorse at -21 C and Yellowknife at -36 C. (None of those numbers include wind chill, either.)

And, for the record, the temperature in the city known as the coldest inhabited place on Earth – Oymyakon, Russia – is currently sitting at -34 C (which is relatively OK if your average winter temperature is -50 C).

It’s also a reasonably livable -29 C at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica at the moment.

So, really, it’s not that cold out there. Honest.

On the flip side, the folks in St. Stephen, N.B., are laughing all the way to the patio as their mercury has climbed to 10.5 C – yes, that’s +10.5 C.

Excuse us while we go back to warming our hands by our space heaters and cursing East Coasters, won’t you?