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New West photographer Gabor Gasztonyi presents portraits of women in Ethiopia

Spotlight on: Hamlin’s Women

 What’s happening?

New West-based photographer Gabor Gasztonyi’s gallery is unveiling a new exhibit – Hamlin’s Women. Postponed on two previous occasions because of COVID-19 restrictions, Hamlin’s Women runs from April 9 to 29 at Gabor Gasztonyi Studio, 730 12th St.

“The exhibit displays Gabor Gasztonyi's portraits of women in Ethiopia who have had fistula surgery,” said a notice about the exhibit. “Each woman in the photographs has lost a child during pregnancy and was able to continue living because of the essential surgery provided at the hospital by Dr. Hamlin and her team.”

As part of the exhibit’s opening, Gasztonyi will give an artist’s talk on Saturday, April 9 at 6:30 p.m.

Tell me more:

Gasztonyi took the photographs in Addis Ababa in November 2017, while visiting Ethiopia as part of a Rotary visit to see a global grant project relating to polio rehabilitation. 

“We visited the hospital, where I met Dr. Catherine Hamlin. That afternoon I found myself in a part of the hospital where many of the women were enjoying the afternoon sun. I had asked a couple of the women if I could take their photograph, and they said yes with great enthusiasm,” he said in a statement to the Record. “I photographed many that afternoon, and they were so excited knowing I would tell their story in pictures.  I felt so privileged to be in a position to take these images, which happened mostly by luck and yet portray the strength of these strong women who have suffered so much.”

Dr. Reg Hamlin and Dr. Catherine Hamlin founded Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia in 1974. It’s dedicated to the treatment and prevention of childbirth injuries called obstetric fistulas.

Gasztonyi said he was thrilled to meet Dr. Catherine Hamlin, then 96, at the hospital in Addis Ababa where he took the photos being shown in his exhibit.

“This is how the project began, and I felt it important to display them to the public in order to highlight this ongoing struggle in Africa,” he said. “I am hoping these images can speak to our hearts.”

More details, please:

For more details about the exhibit, go to More information about Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia can be found at