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Gardening tips for roses and camellias

Question: In 1991we moved into our house (built in 1935), and with it came a rose that is looking quite pitiful right now. I love its fragrant flowers, but I am afraid to prune it so I don't kill it and therefore lose it forever.

Question: In 1991we moved into our house (built in 1935), and with it came a rose that is looking quite pitiful right now. I love its fragrant flowers, but I am afraid to prune it so I don't kill it and therefore lose it forever. What can I do to improve its growth?

– Jadzia, North Burnaby

Answer: Old roses have super-strong roots and strong, new growth is quick to emerge after  pruning. But pruning isn't a good idea right now as we head into frost season. If we get an exceptionally cold spell this winter, the new growth could die back.

In early spring just as the buds start to swell, you could remove any dead, diseased spindly or damaged rose stems then begin pruning the good, strong stems.

If your rose is a climber, cut back enough of the main stems to fit into the space you have for it, then prune the side shoots back by one-third.

If it's a bush rose cut the strong stems back by two-thirds. If this seems too drastic for you, just do one-third. By the time you've also fertilized your rose, you will likely be surprised at how quickly it grows back.

Usually the larger pruning prompts the rose to grow faster and further. This is because the energy in the roots needs to be expressed above-ground.

Roses thrive on extra water through our long hot summers. It helps them if you mulch them so that they retain moisture. You could mulch with compost or bark mulch or even straw or grass clippings if the rose isn't in a regular garden bed.

I wonder if you feed it regularly. Compost or manure is good nutrition for roses. Garden centres sell many kinds of fertilizer especially for roses.

When you say it looks pathetic, do you mean there are black spots on the leaves? Old roses are prone to this fungal infection. It looks horrible, but doesn't kill roses.

Some people defoliate the worst leaves then rake up and dispose of these and the fallen black spot leaves. This reduces infection next year. Fungicide is still sprayed by some.  Other people ignore black spot.

Question: Do you know why a beautiful 15-year old camellia in a large planter would suddenly die after being dripped on by a new deck painted with both latex, oil-based and fiberglass products?
– Carlyne Haynes, Vancouver

Answer: Your camellia roots probably got burned or poisoned by the products that dripped on it. Repotting it immediately would have been a very daunting prospect with a shrub that old, but if the roots were washed and repotted in all new soil, it might have lived.

If a similar accident ever happens again to a big, old potted plant, you might try putting it under an outside tap on a slow drip for a couple of days. Another thought: I wonder if your plant might re-shoot from the roots if you leave it out during winter rains.

Is it possible that previously your camellia wasn't under any deck,  but was placed under a new deck while the deck was still being coated. A position under a deck can be a very dry spot - and camellias need a lot of water.

Anne Marrison is happy to answer garden questions. Send them to her via [email protected]  It helps me if you mention your city or area.