New entrepreneurs and business owners are inviting community members to attend their Make It/Sell It market this weekend.
Hosted by the Bitmakaly Women's Association, the group's monthly market is next taking place on Saturday, Jan. 26 at the Sapperton Pensioners Hall at 318 Keary St. from 11 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m.
Members of the African community, minority women and new immigrants who have decided to enter the world of businesses will be selling a variety of products. The market also features food, door prizes and more.
Firefighter retires
After 33 years with the New Westminster Fire and Rescue Service, Brent Wisheart has fought his last fire.
Wisheart, one of the department's assistant deputy fire chiefs, is taking some vacation time before his official retirement in March. The City of New Westminster is currently accepting applications for his assistant deputy chief's position.
Hyack dinner
The New Westminster Hyack Festival Association's recent installation and awards dinner attracted quite a crowd.
The Jan. 12 gathering at the Inn at the Quay attracted nearly 100 special guests, Hyack members and local dignitaries.
Having served on Hyack's board, Gavin Palmer was sworn in as president.
"It is with great pride that I step into the position," he said. "The association has been embarking on a new direction with stronger partnerships within the community and a more focused alignment with the City of New Westminster. I look forward to representing the city at our many events and out-of-town parades as an ambassador for our great community."
The 2013 board of directors includes four new members - Wayne Fredin, Ryan Ferrer, Stephen Loyd and Marge Ashdown, and returning members Gloria Munro, Patti Goss, Michail Boncea, Tammy Goodwin, Nadine Proulx, Ron Unger, Mariane Kazemir, Alan Wardle and Bill Radbourne.
The Hyack executive committee is comprised of Palmer (president), Proulx (president-elect), Radbourne (past president 2012), Wardle (vice president), Munro (treasurer) and Kazemir (secretary).