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Cash mob runs loose in Sapperton

A gang of eager shoppers descended on Cadeaux Gifts and Home Embellishments in Sapperton on Saturday to participate in a cash mob, an event where participants meet up to spend their cash at a single store as a way to help support small businesses in

A gang of eager shoppers descended on Cadeaux Gifts and Home Embellishments in Sapperton on Saturday to participate in a cash mob, an event where participants meet up to spend their cash at a single store as a way to help support small businesses in their area.

"It was good for a first time," says organizer Heather Corbett, who runs Evenate Creative Group, an event-planning company.

A group met at Sapperton Plaza at 3 p.m. and headed to the store. The directive was for them to bring $20 to spend and a reusable bag.

Roughly 40 people turned up throughout the course of the shopping spree, Corbett says.

"When we first met at 3 o'clock it felt like there wasn't that many people, but then once we got to the store people just kept walking in."

Cadeaux owner Rose Ternes was "over the moon," she says.

Corbett says she chose Cadeaux because Ternes gives back to the community and the store has been around for a long time.

"They are just a great little treasure in New West," she says. "It's always good to give back to someone who's been around and giving back to New West for a long time."

Corbett hasn't decided where she will hold the next one, but there will be a next one.

"I'm planning to run them every quarter," she says. "We'll probably have another in June or towards the beginning of the summer.

As for her purchases, Corbett bought a scarf, a necklace, cards and a stocking stuffer from a 50 per cent off sale from Christmas.

"A lot of people took advantage of that," she says about the sale. "They picked up a whole bunch of things."

For more information about Cash Mob New West, visit its Facebook page, Cash Mob New West.

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