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Audiobooks a click away

Admittedly, I am lazy but addicted to reading. Audiobooks are the perfect solution for me; nothing can encourage me to take the time to complete my chores quite like the opportunity to hear what happens next in my latest novel.

Admittedly, I am lazy but addicted to reading.

Audiobooks are the perfect solution for me; nothing can encourage me to take the time to complete my chores quite like the opportunity to hear what happens next in my latest novel.

The New Westminster Public Library has several services to help you find your perfect audiobook, but OneClick Digital is probably the easiest for new users.

It is simple to use; just visit the eLibrary section at the library's website,, and click the link to OneClick Digital.

Create an account and suddenly more than 20,000 audiobooks are available for the listening. OneClick Digital can be used with just a computer, but you can also download audio-books directly with the Android, Apple, or Kindle Fire App.

You can listen to the first chapter of your audiobook while the rest downloads, but if you're downloading it to your phone, you might want to do it over wifi.

At the moment I am listening to Michael Chabon's Telegraph Avenue, but before that I revisited an old favourite: Robin McKinley's The Hero and the Crown. The grit of McKinley's dragon-slaying heroine inspired my morning slog up New Westminster's hills with spirit anew.

You can have 10 OneClick Digital audio-books checked out at the same time, with loan periods of a maximum of three weeks.

You can check your books out for shorter periods of time, and return books at any time using the OneClick Digital app or website.

The good news is that there are no fines if you fail to return the books manually; your downloads just expire and are removed from your account.

Hunting for your next audiobook is easy with OneClick Digital. You can browse through different genres or search for a specific title or author.

The OneClick Digital collection is eclectic, with uncommon authors featured along with popular favourites such as Diana Gabaldon and Dan Brown.

For more information on OneClick Digital, visit

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