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Gender in politics - and life: Jonina Campbell, B.C. Green Party

It’s certainly never happened in New Westminster before. Perhaps, it’s never happened in B.C. before. The three candidates representing the three major political parties in B.C. running in this city are all women.
Jonina Campbell

It’s certainly never happened in New Westminster before. Perhaps, it’s never happened in B.C. before. The three candidates representing the three major political parties in B.C. running in this city are all women. Does this make a difference? Should it make a difference? We asked the three candidates some questions about gender in politics and in their personal lives. Candidates were limited to 70 words per answer.

Who is (or was) a role model who inspired you to enter politics, and why was she inspiring?

I grew up surrounded by strong women. My mom, aunts and grandmother were all active community volunteers. My grandmother grew up on a farm in Manitoba at a time when the one-room school house and community hall were built by the community working together. I’ve always had that sense that if you care about something, you need to bring people together and work hard to make a difference.

As a young girl growing up, when did you first notice that sexism existed? Explain.

The first experience I can recall where I encountered sexism was in a Grade 8 all-girls wood working class. In the first class the teacher asked us to figure out how to open the shop garage door. There was a trick to it, which he did not share with us. After several failed attempts, he laughed and replied, “This is why girls shouldn't be allowed to take shop.”

Did that change your view of the world? If so, how?

If anything it made me very determined to prove my shop teacher wrong and anyone else who thought less of girls and women.

When have you encountered sexism while running in this race and how have you dealt with it?

I had a supporter comment that it stood out for her that all three candidates on stage at the Chamber of Commerce all candidates forum were women. New Westminster is a forward thinking community that is inclusive and welcoming which is why my experience as a female candidate has been very positive.

Do you think Christy Clark is treated differently by the media because she is a woman?

This is not an area I have enough background knowledge on to make an informed comment.

What single item in your party’s platform would make the biggest improvement in women’s lives in B.C.?

The B.C. Greens platform has made education and lifelong learning our number one priority. Through education we can build a more equitable and prosperous society for everyone. Our commitments to child care, income equity, and affordable housing will also make significant difference to the lives of women.

How have other women supported you in your life? And how has that made a difference for you?

I have been fortunate to be supported by many strong women in my life. In particular, my mom, who raised three children as a single parent while working full-time and earning her university degree, has been a source of unending inspiration and support. My campaign team is also made up of several incredible women who are some of the hardest working, caring and smartest people I know.