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Looking for video games? Be sure to visit the New Westminster Public Library

In the Library
New Westminster Public Library
All kinds of resources - including those dealing with photography - are available at the New Westminster Public Library.

If you’re an adult with no reason to venture into the wilds of the children’s department at the library, you might not realize that we have a collection of video games available for loan. While we only collect games with a maximum age rating of T (Teen), don’t think that adults can’t have fun with them too! Here are a few of our personal favourites.

Do you aspire to a career in city planning? Get your fix with Cities: Skylines, a simulation game where you construct a city from the ground up, including zoning land, building infrastructure, and dealing with crises. You’ll never see traffic the same way again.

Artists, mythology enthusiasts, and world travellers are encouraged to try Okami, a visually stunning action-adventure based on Japanese mythology. It’s worth a look for the gorgeous and unique art direction alone.

Do you enjoy puzzles? Do your friends remark on your slightly “off” sense of humour? Portal 2 is for you. Escape from the bizarre Aperture Science facility and its evil AI overseer in this excellent (and weird) puzzle game.

Recommended for those seeking a quiet escape from reality is Stardew Valley. This is a relaxed, upbeat game where you move to an idyllic small town to become a farmer. Build a farm while developing relationships with the locals, fishing, digging up treasure, and more. Keep an eye on the clock, though – it’s addictive!

For a slightly less quiet escape from reality, pick upLegend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, an open world fantasy adventure game that pits you (as iconic hero Link) against an ancient evil. Complete quests, fight monsters, or just ride your horse around the scenic landscape.

Come in to the library and see our complete collection, which includes titles available on the Wii, Wii U, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One platforms.