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Minter: Flowering shrubs, and bringing cuts indoors

Minter: Flowering shrubs, and bringing cuts indoors

Master gardener Brian Minter: "A well-planned garden can provide an almost limitless supply of colour."
Minter: Cut flowers — and understanding their healing effects

Minter: Cut flowers — and understanding their healing effects

Cut flowers are the "new hugs" as they often trigger "feel-good" hormones, explains master gardener Brian Minter.
Navigating Christmas with ADHD kids

Navigating Christmas with ADHD kids

During the Christmas holidays our kids’ schedules are often out of whack in regards to meals, bedtime and amount of screen time etc.
Helen Chesnut's Garden Notes: How to colour bracts on poinsettia

Helen Chesnut's Garden Notes: How to colour bracts on poinsettia

The easy route to achieving at least some colour on a poinsettia is to find a place in your house where lights are not often turned on at night.
Minter: Last-minute holiday gardening gift suggestions

Minter: Last-minute holiday gardening gift suggestions

Here are some gift ideas even master gardener Brian Minter would appreciate this holiday season.
Province hands out more than $156K in grants to New West school PACs

Province hands out more than $156K in grants to New West school PACs

A total of 15 parent advisory councils (PACs) in New West are receiving money to help pay for school projects.
Minter: Greening up the porch for winter

Minter: Greening up the porch for winter

Master gardener Brian Minter highlights a natural, renewable trend that adds greenery to your porch for the winter season.
Opinion: Relationships thrive when we’re speaking the same love languages

Opinion: Relationships thrive when we’re speaking the same love languages

Understanding our own love language and the love language of our partner (or family members / friends) can improve communication and strengthen our relationships.
Fewer listings in November lead to 20% drop in New West home sales: data

Fewer listings in November lead to 20% drop in New West home sales: data

Apartments were still the preferred buy, but it appears more New Westminster homeowners looking to sell held off on listing their properties.
Letter: Please be nice to hospitality workers this holiday season

Letter: Please be nice to hospitality workers this holiday season

If your coffee got the wrong syrup, if they forgot the extra fries you ordered or if the store is out of stock on the LEGO set you desperately wanted.... don't freak out.